UK GDPR Audits

UK GDPR Audits

Boardroom Matters works with a cross section of organisations including private limited companies, public limited companies, charities, trade associations and overseas entities.


We can help you identify your legal obligations through an onsite UK GDPR audit. This involves audit prep, pre-audit questions, an on-site visit or Teams call, followed by a written report, with a follow-up meeting completed by a GDPR Qualified Practitioner.


The comprehensive audit includes a detailed written report (typically 20 pages), including an executive summary, a dataflow report, DPIA report and a list of actions where needed to meet compliance. The report will include an action plan outlining all the changes required to meet compliance. Where needed Boardroom Matters can write any missing documents and make others compliant.


Once implemented, an optional mini audit can take place to check everything is as it should be. Auditing where you are, and implementing everything you need to comply, gives you that vital peace of mind.

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